Fat to Fit in your 40's!

Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs: Simple Steps to Start Your Health Journey

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Do you feel overwhelmed by the idea of losing weight? Maybe you think it requires drastic changes that you can’t keep up with, or perhaps past failures have made you believe it’s just not possible for you. If so, you’re not alone. Many people in their forties share these concerns. They are often held back by limiting beliefs about what it takes to be healthier.

In this article, we’ll tackle these myths head-on, showing you that starting your health journey can be simpler and more achievable than you might think. We’ll help you identify and overcome the common misconceptions that might be stopping you, and provide practical, easy-to-start steps towards a healthier life.

Limiting Beliefs Around Weight Loss

What exactly are limiting beliefs? They are those persistent, often nagging, thoughts that whisper, “Exercise is too hard,” or “I’m not the kind of person who can stick to a diet.” Such thoughts are particularly common when it comes to weight loss. They act as barriers, making you feel as though achieving your health goals is just out of reach. Here are some common limiting beliefs you might recognise:

  • “Dieting is all about giving up the food I love.” Many of us dread the idea of dieting because we associate it with having to forever abandon our favourite foods. The thought of never having a slice of pizza or a decadent piece of chocolate cake again can be quite daunting!
  • “I have to workout hard to see any change.” There’s a common misconception that unless you’re dripping sweat in a high-intensity workout session, it’s not going to make a difference. This belief can be limiting, especially if you’re not a fan of the gym or intense physical activity.
  • “Healthy food tastes bad.” It’s a widespread myth that healthy food can’t be flavorful or satisfying. Many believe that eating healthily means resigning to a life of bland salads and unseasoned veggies.
  • “I have to change all my bad habits right now!.” The idea of making lifestyle changes can feel monumental. It’s often believed that health improvements require a complete life overhaul, which can seem too challenging to embark on.
  • “I need perfect consistency to succeed.” This belief puts tremendous pressure on individuals to never slip up. The notion that one mistake can derail all progress often discourages even the first step.

Understanding that these are limiting beliefs is the first step towards overcoming them. It’s important to challenge these thoughts and recognise that they are not reflections of reality, but rather perceptions that we have gathered over our lifetime. Healthy changes start with mindset changes.

Weight loss and health improvements are very much possible with the right approach — one that is forgiving, flexible, and tailored to what works for you  and your lifestyle. By acknowledging these untruths and reevaluating our beliefs, we can set ourselves up for a more positive, successful, and sustainable health journey.

5 Practical Starting Points For Your Health Journey

Let’s explore simple ways to move past these myths and start building healthier habits without feeling overwhelmed.

Habit Stacking

The beauty of habit stacking is that it seamlessly integrates new habits into your existing routine, making the changes feel less drastic and more natural. For instance, if you typically drink coffee in the morning, try doing a couple of minutes of meditation right before or after your coffee ritual. This way, you’re using an established habit as a trigger for a new, beneficial behavior, enhancing your daily routine without overwhelming changes.

Createa Healthy Identity

Creating a healthy identity doesn’t require you to revolutionise your entire life overnight. Start by changing your narrative in small changes that reflect a healthier lifestyle. For example, if you choose an apple over a bag of chips, tell yourself, “I’m someone who prefers nutritious snacks.” These small changes can reinforce your identity as a healthy person and naturally encourage further healthy choices.

Reframe Healthy as Enjoyable

Healthy living doesn’t have to be a chore or something you dread. Discover physical activities that you genuinely enjoy — perhaps it’s dancing to your favorite music, biking around your neighborhood, or playing a sport with friends. Try a new restaurant or cuisine that exposes you to different foods.  Similarly, make cooking a fun experiment by trying healthy recipes that use vibrant spices or bold flavors. When you find joy in these activities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes more delightful and fun.

Prioritise Consistency Over Intensity

Focus on being consistent rather than perfect. For example, if you can’t commit to an hour of exercise daily, start with 5 minutes of stretching when you get out of bed. Consistency in small doses builds habits that last and is less overwhelming than occasional bouts of intense effort. Celebrate consistent, small choices, like choosing natural yoghurt instead of ice cream or walking during your lunch break. These small, consistent acts create a solid foundation that you can build on over time.

Maintain a Growth Mindset

Embrace each small choice as progress, no matter how minor it may seem. If you skip a workout or indulge in a dessert, IT’S OK! Think of all the positive choices you DID make, and weigh it against this one small choice.. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn more about your preferences and limits. Celebrate your successes , and merely observe when things don’t go to plan.. Heading in the right direction is far more important than making every step perfect. By maintaining a growth mindset, you keep yourself on the  journey towards better health.


Starting your health journey doesn’t have to be drastic. By changing how you think about food and movement, taking small, consistent steps, and building on them, you make lasting changes to your health. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. Let’s break those old beliefs and make a start today!